
22:18 Pi is the new bitcoin 0 Comments

Day of the preliminary checks arrived. Today was the day for Kontrolbesiktning. All the stakeholders were on site. Including the private investigator whose job was to make sure every minute detail in every corner of the house is done and ready according to the required standards and quality.

And I am very glad that these kind of preliminary inspections are a part of the process in Sweden. It is good to identify any issues or flaws before hand than on the day of final inspection. So Magnus from Projektbyggaren (yes, yet another Magnus. There are many Magnus' involved in making our house. It is a common Swedish name.) did what he does best. He showed no mercy during the pre-inspection. He pin pointed all the incomplete things which the guys were not yet able to finish. Plus he gave strong comments on the already completed work, which was not up to the required quality. I would never have identified these small things even after we had moved in. But this guy was really good in his inspection. He made a big list of things that needed to be fixed or finished before the final inspection. And now it is Myresjöhus' responsibility to get it done before the final inspection date or else they get a penalty for each day after the final inspection if the issue is not fixed.

With Kontrolbesiktning done, it is now time to start packing out stuff and get going with part 2 of the moving. But at least this time we are not in a hurry like during part 1 of the moving.

Rest assured we are getting the keys to our new home next week after the final inspection is done. This will be a start of a new adventure.


Two weeks to go...

20:49 Pi is the new bitcoin 0 Comments

The d-day is getting closer and closer. Just two weeks left for the final inspection of the house and us getting the keys and handover of our new home. This last month has passed quiet quick, but the final couple of weeks seem too long.

Although the house is almost ready, we haven't yet started packing our stuff to start the move to the new house. We also still have to buy some furniture for the kids rooms, curtains, carpets, etc...etc.
But for now we just anxiously wait for the day of the final inspection. Oh, and before the final inspection there will be a pre-inspection which is next week. So hopefully everything will be in place by then.