Enjoying the last week in our current apartment.

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Just one week left. Me and Ana worked all the day trying to fix the wallpapers in our kids room and now that we are done, the room looks so much better. Alas, this is for the new tenants to enjoy, we are just fixing it so we don't have to pay some absurd fines. Below are some pictures where Ana is putting on the last wallpaper before our work is done. YAY!! \🙌/

 Next week we will be in another apartment at another place and we will sure as hell miss our current apartment and the beautiful place here. Even with our very busy weekend of packing things and fixing the wall papers, we managed to find some time to enjoy our last week in this place.
It has been very cold (-5 to -10 degrees) for the past 3-4 weeks and the sea has frozen and has become hard enough to drive a car on. So we decided to take a walk on the frozen sea and enjoy some time with the kids.
Foggy & Frozen sea

Linus with his Pulka

Ana pulling Linus & Aryan on the snow covered frozen sea

Another foggy view

Aryan making snow angel on the frozen sea

Me and the kids

The feeling is a bit sad and emotional, we will miss this place so much. But all this is for a good cause. Once the house is ready and we move in, I am sure all this change will all be worth it.😃