Enjoying the last week in our current apartment.

11:47 Pi is the new bitcoin 0 Comments

Just one week left. Me and Ana worked all the day trying to fix the wallpapers in our kids room and now that we are done, the room looks so much better. Alas, this is for the new tenants to enjoy, we are just fixing it so we don't have to pay some absurd fines. Below are some pictures where Ana is putting on the last wallpaper before our work is done. YAY!! \🙌/

 Next week we will be in another apartment at another place and we will sure as hell miss our current apartment and the beautiful place here. Even with our very busy weekend of packing things and fixing the wall papers, we managed to find some time to enjoy our last week in this place.
It has been very cold (-5 to -10 degrees) for the past 3-4 weeks and the sea has frozen and has become hard enough to drive a car on. So we decided to take a walk on the frozen sea and enjoy some time with the kids.
Foggy & Frozen sea

Linus with his Pulka

Ana pulling Linus & Aryan on the snow covered frozen sea

Another foggy view

Aryan making snow angel on the frozen sea

Me and the kids

The feeling is a bit sad and emotional, we will miss this place so much. But all this is for a good cause. Once the house is ready and we move in, I am sure all this change will all be worth it.😃


Stuck between a rock and a hard place...

09:17 Pi is the new bitcoin 0 Comments

Last couple of weeks have been very exhausting and we haven't even packed half of our stuff to move to the other apartment. Now that we've got less than two weeks left in our current apartment we have started feeling the pressure.

So much work to finish in so little time...

And to make things worse we got another unpleasant news yesterday. The apartment we are going to move into temporarily, won't be available before 1st of February 😞. All our plans of moving our stuff during the weekend at the end of January were shattered. And that's not all. Given that our current apartment has already been rented out and the new tenants are also moving in on 1st of February we are in a very bad situation. We have no time on 1st of February to empty the current apartment as we will have the keys to the other apartment just after noontime.
Now I am trying to convince the new tenants of our current apartment to give us little time to move our stuff to the other apartment. Maybe I will buy them ice-cream if they agree. 😋

Currently we are trying to fix the wallpapers in the current apartment as our kids have been doing their artwork all over the wallpapers while creating memories and growing up. As per the rules we need to handover the apartment in a good condition as it was when we had moved in.
To save the cost my lovely wife talked me into daring to change the wallpapers ourselves. We are no professionals, but my brave wife has put all her faith in the DIY (do it yourself) video that she saw on YouTube. 😦Talk about taking a leap of faith...
Something tells me that we will have a lot to look back and laugh about once we finally move into our new house later this year. 😁

 We have already started the wallpaper fixing work... It looks much easier on YouTube than it actually is. Damn you technology and Internet and YouTube and the dude making DIY videos on YouTube... Now this thing better work as expected and shown in the video.
We have done half the room now and so far it looks good...

In other news the rocks at our plot have been exploded and the plot now looks much better than before. But we don't know yet how much it has cost to get rid of the rocks.

Now we cross our fingers and really hope that it isn't more than we had kept the buffer for. We will soon come to know.


2016 is going to be a busy year!

15:38 Pi is the new bitcoin 0 Comments

Happy new year to everyone!! :)

2016 has started with a bang and has kept us very busy for quite some time. This is the last month in our current apartment before we move to another apartment temporarily before we finally move in to our new house. Preparation for moving has kept us very busy and we also have to finish the formalities like changing the address in the central database, informing and ending our current contract with the electricity company, the internet company, etc, etc...
This weekend we left our kids at our friends place and cleared the storage room where we had so many things accumulated over many years. These were the things that we always thought that we would use, but never used it and after some years we even forgot that we had these things in the first place. So it was like a treasure hunt for us when we were opening all the boxes and finding old things and going down the memory lane, remembering our good old days. But most of the things were just thrash lying there for years.
Moving boxes lying all around the apartment... Preparing to move
We have been living in our current apartment for many years now and unsurprisingly there are a few things that need to be fixed in the apartment before we move out. There are a few holes in the wall that need to be fixed, and some torn wall papers as well. But nothing major, so we can handle it ourselves. But we don't have much time left.

In other news, the land preparation work is going well. The plot does not look the same anymore.
The big rocks have now been exploded and removed and the plot looks much better now.

How it looked originally

Another view

Big rocks... now gone.

Huge rocks a few days before.
Excavator digging.

It looks like this now... Just the final few rocks remaining to be exploded. The green and red pipes is where the explosives will be placed for explosion.