Bygglov "Building permission" documents submitted

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We have now signed the documents for the house building permission (bygglov in Swedish) and I personally submitted the documents and the house diagrams at the Karlskrona Kommun's office.

Now we wait... wait... and wait with our fingers crossed so that our extended house plan with additional veranda and balcony is approved by the planning office.

In the meanwhile I am having a continued discussion with HTH about the kitchen and laundry room plans. HTH wants us to visit their enormous showroom and exhibition so that we can get the look and feel of the kitchen we would like to have.

We like the special attention we are getting from HTH. It is all nice and good but, there is a little problem...
We are in Karlskrona and HTH showroom is in... JÖNKÖPING. That place is f*#%ing 231km away. 

Just travelling to and from there would take 6-7 hours and we also need a few hours in between to discuss the details for the kitchen and laundry room. That means we would have to spend the whole day for this activity. So what about the kids... If it was a weekend the kids could have tagged along.  But as usual all good things and places in Sweden take rest on weekends so we need to plan this activity during the weekdays. And as the kids have school during the week we don't have anyone to take care of them after school, in case we decided to take the adventure trip to Jön-f*#%ing-köping.
Need to come up with some plan to do this little trip.