Drawings & Renderings

22:37 Pi is the new bitcoin 0 Comments

It's been a while since we got the final drawings and renderings of the house, Kitchen and Laundry room. So until we get further news about the house from Myresjöhus I thought it is a good time to show the final drawings of the house.

The site map and situation plan:
Site plan: Our's is the corner plot

Position of the house

The Laundry Room:

The Kitchen:

Angle of the kitchen showing one of the kitchen windows

3D view

Cross view

Another 3D view

Fridge, Freezer and side cabinet

Another angle of the kitchen

The exterior of the house:
Front and Right side views

Interior as seen through the walls

Back & Left side views

We still have to finalize the two bathrooms. So I will post those pictures later.

Good night!