Murphy's law
Some people are born to be good at certain things and some things are just not meant to be done by certain people. Such is the case of my wife, Ana. Ana is an exceptionally good cook. I mean she just understands how the kitchen chemistry works. You can see it for yourself.

That's the reason why she has decided to become a professional chef. And that's also the reason why
we uhmm... Ana decided to have the big induction cooking hob in the new house we are building.
Ana at her cooking school |
My cooking skills on the other hand are so bad, I can hardly prepare an omelet when Ana is not at home and the kids are hungry. To put it in perspective, my cooking is just like this robot trying to kick the ball.
But as good as Ana is with cooking, she is equally bad (or just ignorant) about gadgets. Reading instruction manuals is not her cup of tea. She almost managed to break the new washing machine last time. And this time it was the turn of her poor smart phone. I guess they call them smart phones because it sometimes makes people dumb. For some reason Ana had to remove the SIM card from the phone and then when she tried to put it back... Murphy's law got into action.
Ana kept trying to put the SIM card without any success and not once did she stop to see and think that she was inserting the card holder upside down. So after applying a huge amount of pressure, she managed to insert the SIM card in the phone. The only problem, it was upside down. And due to the tremendous pressure she applied to insert the SIM card in that poor little phone, it damaged the internal contacts, making the phone useless. The phone was still alive, but non-functional.
But, some people are just lucky. No matter what they do, the things just get better for them. Ana broke her phone, and now she has a brand new and even bigger phone.
And I am the one who always takes care of my gadgets and I am stuck with this tiny old crappy phone. I mean just see them side by side.
Damn... why does she have all the luck. But on second thoughts, I think I am pretty lucky myself to have her in my life.
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